Grace is trying: to change her packing habits

Grace Ruppert, Focus Editor

I have always been a terrible packer. I try to plan ahead but I always end up frantically packing the night before, washing clothes at night hoping to remember to pack them in the morning, and over packing but always forgetting an important item.

With my anticipation and eagerness for spring break to start, I forced myself to start packing early. I laid out my clothes, bought swimsuits early, and even got most of my shopping done a few weeks before.

Although my room is in disarray, between my everyday messes and the clothes laid out, I feel more prepared than usual for my trip.

It’s comforting to have a handle on my packing, especially during lacrosse season and the end of the marking period. Between practice, frantically trying to turn in assignments and take unit tests these last few weeks, it is one less thing hanging over my head.

I’m still worried about some items that I still need, and I probably need to get a few more things organized, but I have the heavy lifting done. I have the outfits I need, so the last minute frantic will definitely be minimized next Wednesday.

I tend to overpack as well. I’m always thinking “well, I might want this at some point,” which results in a whole stack of my clothes remaining neatly folded because I didn’t need them at all.

Since it should be warm all week, that will definitely help me pack lighter. I won’t have to pack sweatshirts and different variations of outfits for different types of weather.

Since I’m going to be by the pool pretty much all day, I’m assuming I won’t need much more than a bathing suit, coverup and an outfit every day.

I’ve definitely made progress in my packing habits. It is a big improvement to my usual stressed out, last minute, over packing.

I have set a relaxing tone to start off my spring break. I shouldn’t be checking off my mental packlist on my way to the airport this year.

Packing earlier and lighter is a habit that hopefully stays because it has already made my life a little easier.