Think then talk


Michael Arthur

Mike Arthur, Guest Writer

Greetings EGRHS. I have returned to the opinion page to inflict my brilliance upon you yet again.

I love the idea of the opinion page, and not just because I am filling it with my swill.

I am thankful that we live in a society that allows us the free expression of our ideas.

It is not just a core democratic belief, it is an amazingly good thing in practice.

Before we get carried away with expressing ourselves, let’s remember that the First Amendment, unlike your mother, is not here to protect you!

You say it, you OWN the natural consequences of your expression.

Yes, you can even be fired for speaking out. And I don’t care how deeply you feel it, you might still be wrong!

I feel that very deeply myself, so thank goodness I’m right or we’d be stuck in some kind of paradox and I might be out of a job!

But that is not why I’m writing today.

As many of you know, I have an idea to improve Daylight Savings Time (DST) that maybe the 950 of you in our school community haven’t heard about yet.

I want to get it out there because I would hate for you young people to kill it off just like you are killing fabric softener and Applebees.

Now to be fair, those things really need to be killed.

And the people who complain about it are the same people who ruined the economy and the environment. So keep up the good work!

My idea is very simple: we spring forward at 2.00 p.m. on the first Friday of March and not in the middle of some weekend night.

Think about it, you are slaving away after lunch regretting that low quality chili dog and the two liters of Mountain Dew.

Your mind is filled with the plight of modern man and your over-filled schedule.

And then a tiny ray of sunshine creeps into your dismal existence.

At 1:59:59 the clock suddenly jumps to 3:00 p.m. and you get to go home and start your weekend an hour earlier! Whoohoo!

Workers and EGR students everywhere celebrate.

And our cross town rivals who all get out of school an hour earlier?

They lose one hour of their weekend! What could be better?

That’s enough for today.

Go forth and express your opinions, but for Pete’s sake think through them first!