Fine Arts club completes their mural

Asha Lewis, Managing Editor

After months of hard work, the Fine Arts club has finished their mural. While it may seem like a simple wreath of flowers, it signifies much more.

“We wanted each flower to represent something positive. We looked through a book on horticulture and the meaning of specific flowers and found one that means imagination, the lupine, and other flowers that mean friendship or being good hearted,” Sophia Layton ’18 said. “People walk through here and think ‘I didn’t know we were allowed to paint on the walls.’ I hope that the mural inspires people to do things that they wouldn’t originally think could be done. I hope that it would inspire people to pay more attention to the arts and the message of the quote to be more inclusive and appreciate one another more.”

Next time you take a walk past the Senior lockers take some time to look at and appreciate the new mural.

From this East Vision Instagram post.