Boys Tennis Season Wrap-Up


Andrea Collins

Photo Courtesy: Andrea Collins

Emma Isreals, Staff Writer

East Varsity Boys tennis ended the year on a tough note. On the weekend of October 18th  they competed in their State tournament at Kalamazoo College and Western Michigan, placing fourth overall. They had six out of the eight flights make it to the semifinals this year, whereas last year, only five flights made it to semifinals. The team had ten seniors, so the end was obviously not they way they had imagined it to be. 

“Spirits before the tournament were very high” according to Jack Seufert ‘21. They continued to do their normal team traditions before each of their matches, hoping that this would bring luck to the team. Jack Seufert  also mentioned, “our team traditions so far this year have consisted of a few of us shaving our heads. We don’t necessarily cheer like most other teams before we play, but we do support another during our matches.” Tennis is typically a quiet sport, but the other schools throw that out of the window when it comes to states. East Tennis has the reputation of being one of the most sportsmanlike teams, and that was very obvious this year at states. 

Leading the team this year, were senior captains, Ryan Post ‘20, Graham Gilman-Haslam ‘20, Jack Schultze ‘20, and Ben Collins ‘20. These seniors leading the team have stayed committed to their love of this sport all throughout high school and have really continued to inspire younger kids on team to stick with this sport. 

While boys tennis may not have won states this year, they placed the best out of any public school in the state. Most of their hardest competition was against private schools, such as Cranbrook and Detroit Country Day. Next year, they’re looking forward to working even harder to hopefully bring home a title.