Girls Golf dominate the competition and heads to states

Grace Samra, Staff Writer

This year the golf team has had a great season. They have had to work together especially through these unique times, and they have grown together as a team well. “It has been awesome! Our team has taken second in almost every jamboree, and first in at least one.” Rachel Williamson ‘23 said. 

The team won their regional match. The team was very optimistic before and it paid off.  “Our regional match is next, I think we’ll do well, maybe even go to states this year,” Libby Chambers ‘21 said. They had to work hard and beat some of the best teams in the state to make it to the state match. It has been a long time since they have been to the state meet, this year they are going with their coach, middle school teacher John Burke. “We had to be one of the top two teams to move on to state which is in two weeks, ” Williamson said. They recently placed second at the conference final. “We got second in [the] conference behind arguably the best team in the state.” Anna Edleman ‘22 said. 

The team is very excited for the state match, “we’re all anxious and excited because this is our chance to make it to state as a team for the first time in a long time,” Edleman said. The team has also bonded well this year despite COVID-19. “The team is totally just rolling with COVID and taking it in stride. Golf is really easy to socially distance. Because of our practice schedule, I’ve gotten to know the girls better than I probably would have normally,” Williamson said. 

The girls agreed that they missed van rides and team bonding which COVID-19 has changed, “I think we all miss van rides to early morning matches though,” Chambers said. While this year has been hard, the team pulled through the challenges this year presented and it paid off, as they are making it to states. “It’s sad not to have the team van and stuff, but we had a great senior night and are making the best of every practice, match, jamboree, and tournament,” Williamson said.